The Do-It-Yourself Guide out of Homelessness Guide (ebook)
Crime, Criminals, and Redemption:
What the Bible Says About Certain Crimes and Those Who Commit Them (ebook)
Ten years ago, Author and Chief Exit Strategist, Staci Sweet, was homeless. Ordinarily that would sound strange, but for her, it was the norm. She's moved over 50 times in and out with family, friends and friends of family. She's rented rooms in stranger's houses, lived in her car, and at the Salvation Army. But after several years of needing government assistance, finally qualifying for section 8, being underemployed, unemployable, and battling bouts of mental illness, she finally discovered the root causes of her financial and mental instability and that discovery is what she shares in The Do-It-Yourself Guide out of Homelessness.

The Do-It-Yourself Guide Out of Homelessness: An Interactive, Call-To-Action Book Written FOR The Homeless is a compelling guide that walks homeless readers back in time; to the people, circumstances, and decisions that led to their mental and financial demise while ingeniously helping homeless readers to take ownership of their ugly past by teaching them how to convert their hood skills and experiences into money-making soft business skills; a language that potential employers and future clients can understand. This life-changing, powerful, interactive call-to-action guide is a must-read for the 564,000 people living in homelessness and for the nonprofits and federal agencies serving them today.
This powerful, interactive guide will teach you...
Vision Builder
Pocket-Size Vision Board
Life Experience Converter
Domestic & Hood Skill Translator
Resume Builder
Enrollment Guide
Educational To-Do List
Confession Card

The DIY Guide includes:
How to come to terms and understand why you’re homeless
Expose the holy homelessness myth and disprove the belief that Jesus was homeless and requires you to be. #Hewasnt
Provide you with tips on how you can fight your way off the streets
Help you to translate your hood skills into soft business skills
Help you dream again by helping you create a pocket-sized Vision Board
Help map out God’s plan for your life
Help you get out of mental, spiritual, and financial poverty and into your own place and purpose, and…
Get you to the point where you understand you getting out of homelessness isn’t just about you, but also for those on the streets or locked up who need to hear how you made it out so that they can too.

If you've ever wanted to do more for the homeless, here's your opportunity.
Some give fish away, and to those who do I salute. But my ministry's mission is to equip future fishermen. Gifting-a-guide puts a fishing rod into the hands of the homeless so that they’re able to eat today, launch out into the deep tomorrow, and fish for a lifetime. Your gift of any size will sponsor the printing of the guides to be distributed nationwide.

How Can We Work Together
If your nonprofit has a homeless outreach, we'll give you free access to the eBook.
If you're a nonprofit, you can sign up for Exit Strategy Speaking.
If you have a podcast, you can invite me to your guest so that we can get the word out.
If you’re hosting an event for the homeless, you can invite me to speak.
If you just have a heart for the homeless, you can gift-a-guide, so that along with the cash, you can give them a gift that will last a lifetime, and...
If you’re unable to do any of the above, share this page with your tribe, subscribe to my blog, and more importantly, say a simple priceless prayer for the homeless.