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Policing In Faith: A Discussion About the Police, For the Police, and the People They Serve

More often than not, when policing is discussed morality never enters the conversation. Yet police officers are not only enforcers of the law but they too are enforcers of morality having been given the legal authority to enforce the laws of the land. Those laws were established by both state and federal officials who have already determined what is right, wrong, acceptable and unacceptable conduct, and thereafter codified that conduct into statutes and ordinances that we, the people, must follow, and officers must enforce.

This book delves into the codified conduct of morality found within the penal code as well as that within scripture while also examining other points of societal contention such as Tennessee v. Garner, Graham v. Connor or the fact that there is…

No ‘universally agreed upon definition of use of force’.

Federal courts have yet to clearly define a lawful order. 

There is currently no 'federal statutory provision that clearly defines probably cause, yet it's considered a standard in criminal law. 

There is no federal statutory provision, state statute, or clear definition of the known facts, possible beliefs, and/or plausible reasons and/or examples of the required facts, beliefs, and or reasons needed that would lead an officer to have probable cause, give a lawful order, or use bodily and/or deadly force.

Not only that but Policing in Faith also unravels the code of silence, provides examples of biblical enforcement, emphasizes the importance of soul care while also leading LEO’s into repentance and into the protective, loving arms of God, the Father.

This is not a one-sided us-versus-the-police type of book. It is an all-inclusive opportunity for collective engagement about the police, for the police, and the people they serve. Order now >>>

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Domestic Abuse, Violent Crime Survivor, and Social Justice Author of Policing in Faith and Crime, Criminals, and Redemption, Staci Sweet 


It was Monday, October 13, 2014, when I saw an Instagram post of Dr. Cornell West, former Professor of the Practice of Public Philosophy at Harvard University and Professor Emeritus at Princeton University and Dr. Jamal Bryant, social justice advocate and Senior Pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, being arrested for demanding that the Ferguson Police Department be held accountable for the wrongful death of Michael Brown, a young 18-year-old Black man fatally shot by Darren Wilson, a Ferguson police officer who’d been on the force just three years prior to the shooting. When I saw that he, and other men of God, had been arrested, it grieved me to the point that I woke up in the middle of the night to pray and ask God if there were accounts of police brutality in scripture that I could study to get some guidance and biblical clarity on the subject because to most, the state of policing today seems hopeless. But because I am a student of the Word, I knew that if I could find at least two witnesses of biblical precedence to stand on, then we, meaning the people, could not only have hope but could bring a solution to this mounting issue. Much to my surprise, He led me to what has become the book you're about to purchase now entitled, Policing in Faith: A Discussion About The Police For The Police And The People They Serve.

As I began to study the scriptures, I soon discovered that instead of this book being a one-sided us-versus-the-police type of work, it would be an all-inclusive body of work which would house hope, instruction, and biblical precedence of interactions between we the people, while simultaneously provide guidance for law enforcement on how the Bible says officers should conduct themselves. I must admit, it took well over five years for the Lord to convince me to write the book. Not that I’m an overly disobedient child of the Most High, but my disdain for law enforcement was at an all-time high. In fact, I questioned if what I was hearing in my heart was even the Spirit of the Lord. But over the years I’ve grown to know that God has always ‘…chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise…’ (1 Corinthians 1:27) Therefore...

It is God's modus operandi to choose someone who has an extreme aversion for a person, thing, or cause to change his or her way of thinking while simultaneously bringing the truth of His perspective to light. By doing so, that once adversarial person can provide a 360° view on the subject so as to leave no room for debate by advocates and critics alike. 

One such person was Paul the Apostle who publicly admitted to punishing, incarcerating and persecuting, Christians. Yet God chose him to write three-fourths of the New Testament, and though he did, he often questioned his own qualifications. The same is true for me. Not only did I not want to author this book, but I am highly unqualified. I have neither a background in law enforcement nor do I hold any type of criminal justice degree. Yet like Paul, God chose me. Not because I’m qualified but because I was available. I know with certainty that there were several long tenured, high-ranking officers, nationwide, chosen for this assignment but turned it down. God chose me simply because I prayed a prayer, told Him yes, and sought the solution in His Word. That said, if you are still questioning my credentials, I encourage you to refer to the scriptures where...

God used a young shepherd to kill a military superpower; a queen to expose an existential threat, and a Man born of a virgin to not only die for all mankind but to go to the regions of hell and defeat God’s archenemy in three days.

So, think it not strange for God to use the least likely to bring about change in the culture of policing.

And that change will only happen the way that it always has…byway of prayer. David prayed. Esther prayed, and Jesus prayed but that’s not all they did, and neither should we. But as because we pray, God will give some of us the plans and policies needed while placing others in positions of power to ensure that those who abuse their policing authority are held accountable. But first, we must locate instances of proper policing, examples of how communities should be policed along with incidents of police violence…in scripture. Once we, as believers, investigate these instances, then we, the people will then be in a better position to align our faith and prayers so as to become members of law enforcement, do the work needed to ensure that God-ordained decision makers have the wisdom and votes needed to pass legislation to make a change while also receiving the wisdom, strategy, and favor needed to reposition ourselves to become those decision makers.

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“What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?  If a brother or sister is [being brutalized by police], and one of you says to them, “[I wish someone would do something about it],” but you do not [vote and do the things necessary to make a change], what does it profit?  Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” 

James 2:14-18 NKJV Author paraphrase for emphasis

If you’re still reading, then it’s possible that you’re either an intercessor which means you’ve been called to pray about the state of policing today or you’re being groomed to become a decision maker or a member of law enforcement. You’ve either been doing the work of an activist or you’re now being prepared to do the spiritual legwork required to navigate, legislate, and govern in your given space, or even better - you’re already a believer currently working in law enforcement. In which case, you should read this book with the intent of learning how to properly police in accordance with the scriptures. On the other hand, you could be an unbelieving skeptic looking to find fault and/or prove me wrong. If that’s you, then I can tell you upfront, that even you’ll walk away referring to something mentioned in this book. Either way, we all have a part to play. So, to you I say get in position and get ready because it’s time for us to do the spiritual investigative work needed in order to effect change. 


 Policing in Faith provides powerful insight on:

The Code of Silence

Officer Suicides

Objective Reasoning

Lawful Orders

Probable Cause

Use of Force

Tennessee v. Garner

Graham V. Connor

Policing in Fear, and...

Policing in Love


 This not a one-size-fits-all effort so be sure to also get your copy of

Image by Clay Banks

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