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Earl vs. DMX

Writer: Staci SweetStaci Sweet

While scrolling through the Gram a post popped up from @Trae the Truth about DMX. I immediately went to @theShaderoom to find out why and sure enough the headline read, ‘DMX Reportedly in Critical Condition Following Drug Overdose’. The post went on to say he'd suffered from a heart attack due to a drug overdose and had been declared brain dead. As I prayed in the Spirit, I began to see two devastating details about DMX.

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Everybody Knew This Was Going to Happen

People who know and love him, even for those of us who don’t, are saying, I knew this was going to happen!” “I told him this was going to happen!” “He knew this was going to happen!” and the most hurtful, He said this was going to happen!” And for those who don’t know him probably even said, “This is what happens.” No matter how true those statements may be, ultimately that is a misdirection of faith because when you think about what they're essentially saying is that they knew he’d fail. They had more faith in his failure than they had in his success. Some were more convinced that he wouldn’t be delivered from substance abuse and were basically saying that they knew he was going to die. I know that’s a bit extreme but that’s what “I knew this was going to happen” looks like in the end…death. He, and others around him, had no faith that he’d kick that habit. And though I don’t know him personally, I’m pretty sure he even felt that he’d eventually die from a drug overdose. Because he has a slight prophetic anointing and is a man of prayer, dare I say, he even prophesized that over his own life. He spoke that vegetative overdose into existence.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life]. – Proverbs 18:21 AMP

Earl ‘DMX’ Simmons had the power to be delivered from that addiction, yet he had more faith in it – his preferred drug of choice – than he did in the God he prayed to. That is both sobering and sad.

Here we are, on the eve before we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, ironically on the 2nd day Jesus was in hell for DMX’s sins and drug addiction, and he’s in a vegetative coma, fighting for the life Christ died for.

Here we are, on the eve before we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, ironically on the 2nd day Jesus was in hell for DMX’s sins and drug addiction, and he’s in a vegetative coma, fighting for the life Christ died for. The irony is that the same ones that were saying they knew this would happen are the same ones who are now praying that he lives.

Photo Credit: Red Entertainment Company

Let Earl Grow or DMX Will Go

The thing about it is that if he does, we are going to have to let Earl grow or DMX is going to go. Let me say that again. WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO LET EARL GROW OR DMX IS GOING TO GO.

Since 1991 he’s been Dark Man X. We lose our minds when he tells us he’s going to lose his. When he told us his stomach was touching, we rubbed ours, and when he asked women what they wanted, in the back of our minds, we said, ‘YOU!’ All the while he was going through a, ‘Great Depression’ that would later morph into the ‘Redemption of the Beast’, and as long as he hit the stage with all that…that only he has, then we all wanted him to stay there. Right there being that street dude that made thuggin’ attractive. That dude that you knew you didn’t need but you still had to have. And when he did that Versuz against Snoop last July, he made us lose our minds all over again. But I have to admit that when I saw him, in the back of my mind, I wanted to know when he would grow past being DMX. But how can he when that’s how he makes his money and that's the killing part about it. #nopunsintended

No one showed X how to pivot into Earl. No one showed him how to profit and make a living off of being himself. No one allowed him to grow out of X into WHY God called him to be the man of God he was created to be. It’s ironic because his birth name actually means, “warrior" or "nobleman” [1], and a prayer warrior he is. But will we give him the opportunity to grow into the nobleman He was destined to be? Only time will tell. But as we watch our timelines to get updates on his condition...


Pray this with me: Heavenly Father, I lift up Earl Simmons and ask that You’d send Your Word and heal him. Though he suffered a heart attack, I ask that You create in him a clean heart. Though he’s brain dead, I thank You that he has the mind of Christ. And though it all came about because of a drug overdose, I thank You for delivering him from alcohol, nicotine, and substance abuse and filling him with Your precious Holy Spirit. Though I know it is not Your will that he die at 50, should he live Lord, help us to pray for and encourage him to grow into Earl, the noble, warrior he was created to be. In Jesus’ name.


Please note: If DMX does transition, it was not because God didn't answer our prayers or because God decided to take him, it was because DMX ignorantly activated spiritual laws (byway of his opening and closing prayers on many albums) that can only be reversed by HIS MOUTH. But even still, we must all stand in faith.

Update: Earl 'DMX' Simmons went to be with the Lord Friday, April 9, 2021.

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